If a machine’s engine is cranked (turned or wound over) and fails to start, the continued cranking of the engine results in excessive heat and load on the starting circuit, resulting in damage or premature failure of batteries, starter motors and cabling. This decreases the life of machine starting circuits which, in turn, reduces machine availability and productivity.
The Muirhead® Over Crank Protection kit preserves the starting system by limiting the amount of times the engine may be cranked and locking-out the start circuit to allow for system components to cool down. This, in turn, reduces fl attening of batteries, and abuse of an engine’s starting components which help to extend the life of the starting system as a whole.
The Muirhead® Over Crank Protection kit will provide a visual indication to the operator alerting them when a starting circuit is isolated. An override switch may be incorporated to allow maintenance staff to carry out servicing tasks without the start circuit being inhibited. Basic on machine confi guration of both the crank time and start interlock periods, or advanced programming, are available through a PC using the Muirhead® Programmable Controller Utility software package (PCU).
Over Crank Protection
Part No.: T077517500